Embroidery, Etiquette, Side Projects, and More
Butterflies of the World
Butterflies are common around the world - from the little fritillaries of the high Arctic to painted ladies crossing the Sahara. As remarkable as these delicate but resilient creatures are,...
Butterflies of the World
Butterflies are common around the world - from the little fritillaries of the high Arctic to painted ladies crossing the Sahara. As remarkable as these delicate but resilient creatures are,...
Weaving with Handspun - Fingers crossed!
Weaving with store-bought yarn is well and good, but why not take things a ridiculously long step craftier and make the yarn too? Here's hoping that it is strong enough to...
Weaving with Handspun - Fingers crossed!
Weaving with store-bought yarn is well and good, but why not take things a ridiculously long step craftier and make the yarn too? Here's hoping that it is strong enough to...
Dyeing Handspun - Risky Business
Dyeing always involves an element of uncertainty, and when you're dyeing yards of precious homespun, the stakes rise exponentially.
Dyeing Handspun - Risky Business
Dyeing always involves an element of uncertainty, and when you're dyeing yards of precious homespun, the stakes rise exponentially.
Spinning Wool into Yarn
From the Grecian Fates to Rumplestiltskin, spinning has always held a nearly mythical allure.
Spinning Wool into Yarn
From the Grecian Fates to Rumplestiltskin, spinning has always held a nearly mythical allure.
Starting to Weave
The third video in our weaving mini-series; tying the warp off and beginning to weave.
Starting to Weave
The third video in our weaving mini-series; tying the warp off and beginning to weave.
Sleying the Reed
Day Two - Sleying the Reed and Threading some Heddles!
Sleying the Reed
Day Two - Sleying the Reed and Threading some Heddles!